AutoRun Pro Enterprise II is a program to create autorun menus for CDs. It can also be used to create custom multimedia applications and interactive presentations. You will be able to create those works by dragging and dropping elements from the interface to the working space, such as button, images and text. You can build your menu from the scratch, or starting from the provided templates and wizards included with the program. You can also edit some of the available demos to meet your needs. Once you are satisfied with the result, you can preview it. Should it work flawlessly, you can compile it as a single executable file, that can be burned directly to a CD or DVD by using the built-in CD Burner. You will be able to add and edit different object to your project, such as container objects (like ScrollBoxes, Panels, TabNotebooks, TabSheets and GroupBoxes), or single objects like Buttons, ImageButtons, Images, Bevels, SimpleTexts, ScrollTexts, Links, Splitters, FadeButtons, Labels, Texts, Shapes, Balloons, Notes, ListBoxes, DropDownLists, ListViews, TreeViews, ShellListViews, ShellTreeViews, TextBoxes, RichTexts, Browsers, MediaPlayers, FlashPlayers, SlideShows, UserPasswords, CheckBoxes and RadioButtons. Each element is fully configurable.